Learning about relaxing our bodies and minds is a skill which benefits more and more people as they become aware of such a fantastic tool. There are man apps which will guide you through mediations and some are as short as two minutes! It can be likened to cooking a dish for the first time: for the ... [ Read More ]
Silence really is golden and especially at Christmas
Some people have to work, people miss their child and loved ones, but use the magic of the mind and meditate on the wonderful memories you have. Do yourself a favour and visit smiling mind meditation. It is absolutely free and a wonderful gift to yourself https://www.smilingmind.com.au/Christmas is ... [ Read More ]
Sleep Deprivation? Try These Free Relaxation Audio Sessions
Having trouble falling off to sleep because you are stressed or have an overactive mind? Here is how to unwind your mind!One of our readers, Deborah Wood has created a website designed to help friends get to sleep faster. It’s called; Audio Relaxation Travel (A.R.T.) and she combined ... [ Read More ]
Catch thoughts during the day to rest better at night
Do you find yourself replaying what has happened during the day? I said this and he said that and I should have said this or that? Well, there is a way to stop before you react. Megan Ward, who has studied science and naturopathy and is the Author of: ‘A State of Mind – Happiness Beyond all ... [ Read More ]
Happiness is not what you think
- The following blog is my thoughts on happiness and being happy and everything happy. I am happy I wrote it. Is happiness people running along a beach, laughing and enjoying the company of others? Is happiness sitting in a park thinking and looking serious? Is happiness watching a movie alone? Is ... [ Read More ]
The thinking conundrum
There are so many books on thinking and not thinking and everything in between, but how do we know what is best? I am thinking (ironically) that there isn't one formula and this is why we often think to ourselves: "Why would they think that!" We have some positive mantras that we repeat in our heads ... [ Read More ]
Who would you be without the thought I can’t sleep
Who would you be without the thought: I can’t sleep. The first step is to question it and ask yourself is it absolutely, 100 per cent, without a doubt - true? And well, you do sleep on many other occasions, so I would say it is not true. And then, ask yourself, who would you be without the thought: ... [ Read More ]
My daughter woke up to surprise affirmations
My 11-year-old daughter was worrying about her Dad and School and she was quite emotional, so we had long chats and I tried to cheer her up that way and this method worked a little bit, but I thought I could do more. I then had a great idea and decided to decorate the wall with affirmations so my ... [ Read More ]
Nice things are measured by sleep
The word sleep is an affectionate word used to express future excitement or joy: five sleeps until Daddy comes home; three sleeps until my holiday. Sleepy is a gentle word, whereas tired is a bit more serious. Depending on the situation, think about the mood you want to create with the words you ... [ Read More ]
The life balance we need to find for ourselves
We have friends, we have family, we have money, we have a voice, we have success and failure and we have so much and sometimes it is all overwhelming. It is important to check -in with ourselves at least weekly to see where we are at. Yes, a sit down with ourselves to check-in. Some do this in a ... [ Read More ]
The quiet night time pondering
The things people do at night probably varies so much, but at some time in the night, even if it is only for a short time, many people would enter quiet night pondering. This is when thoughts take over and your time is spent thinking about whatever your mind thinks about and it is probably the ... [ Read More ]
Movie review: Inside Out
**** (out of a possible 5) released in Australia on June 18, 2015 This movie is PG and is safe for any age (a tiny bit of dark lighting in one section), however, for understanding I think the viewer needs to be at least 10-years-old. The story is about 11-year-old Riley , who moves her Midwest life ... [ Read More ]
It takes a lot of faith to live one day at a time
I want to start with a quote from Agnes de Mille in: Meditations for Women who do too much by Anne Wilson Schaef. There is one quote for each day and I like this one from May 18: 'Living is a form of not being sure, not knowing what next or how. The moment you know, you begin to die a ... [ Read More ]
The miracle seven letter sleep word
Let’s face it, we are busy, working, playing and sleeping, working, playing and sleeping, so I will keep this blog short. There is a seven letter word and this word is the secret to sleep issues and diet issues and issues about absolutely everything. We hear this word all of the time and we don’t ... [ Read More ]
Stop waking-up with negative thoughts
If you have had a bad day and a few negative things have happened or one major one, it is hard to wake up the next day and bounce out of bed. This is because: 1. You feel like a failure. 2. Everything is a mess. 3. You think you’ve ruined everything. To help, kick start our mind we need to think ... [ Read More ]
Five ways to move on with your thoughts
We often get stuck on certain thoughts and we cannot shift them and there are plenty of books out there telling us how to do it. I have found, through personal research and experience, that there are five main ways to combat negative and unwanted thoughts: 1. Just don’t think of it. 2. Are you ... [ Read More ]
Write 5 affirmations before and after sleep
Human minds are complex and while we will never understand our minds fully, we can do things that will allow positive affirmations stand out. Whether you feel like it not, every morning and night, everyone can sit on the side of their bed and use a pen and notebook and write at least 5 positive ... [ Read More ]
12 things people, who miss sleep, are more likely to miss on a daily basis
1. If you read to your child every day before they go to school they will pick up reading easily. 2. If you speak nicely to your child and treat them nicely they will treat you and others nicely. 3. If you save an amount of money each week you will have savings. 4. If you match your eating ... [ Read More ]
What to do if you partner wants to leave you
If your partner wants to leave you and they have told you they want to leave you; the best thing you can do for yourself is let them leave. When your partner wants to come to back, if this is what you lovingly want, let them come back. As long as all of your decisions are made with love and ... [ Read More ]
The 15 Secrets About Thinking Only A Handful Of People Know
1. We can’t control whether we think or not. 2. We have 50,000-70,000 thoughts per day. 3. Dangerous thoughts can cause mental illness. 4. If our thoughts are only ever made with love unconditionally and passion - we are free. 5. We can challenge our thoughts and therefore see the thoughts the ... [ Read More ]
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