You and your friends and your family and whoever will listen cannot fathom why your partner of 3 years would send a text late at night stating the relationship is over. Image Source
Even if a text like this is half expected it is still a bombshell. And of course it is inappropriate and you have every right to be angry and furious. Do you send a text in response to this? What will you text? I think calling would be the best idea and if there is no answer maybe just text to set up a meeting time?
A fact is humans are often known to do the totally unexpected and this time it was at you. Last time, you read it in the paper or a friend told you what their neighbour did!
Obviously, the bombshell text is just the beginning of the discussion you will both need to have. Funnily enough, I have heard of people who never give their partner the explanation they are wanting or needing. And the truth is I am not sure they can.
People need to find their inner strength from a friend, a family member, in a hobby or through physical exhaustion.
The best way to look at the situation is it is what you needed for some reason. The reason can’t be clear now, but will be down the track.
The most important thing is to look after yourself and keep a strong head. If you need to – see your local doctor for support.
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