Working mothers or stay-at-home?
I think raring children at any age is the most challenging and rewarding job in the world. I think if women choose to have children young or old, work or stay-at-home – the core issues remain the same for both groups.
To say to any person they are raring their child wrong or it would have been better if you did this or that is frowned upon. It is everyone’s right to have children and make choices that suit their family.
There are positives and negatives for both the young or old mothers and the working or stay-at-home mothers. Because I am interested in the sleeping patterns I am just going to focus on this:
old mothers |
young mothers |
working mothers |
non-working mothers |
sleep is very important for mother and baby | sleep is very important for mother and baby | the baby is loved and cared for | the baby is loved and cared for |
sleep routine is important | sleep routine is important | sleep routine is important | sleep routine is important |
household routine a must | household routine a must | household routine a must | household routine a must |
Positive praise and a pat on the back | Positive praise and a pat on the back | Positive praise and a pat on the back | Positive praise and a pat on the back |
Let us work together to close the gap. If we close the gap both groups can help each other and share ideas.
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