Tuck into bed
Before we tuck our sweet treasures into bed (sweet treasures – depending on how the night went!!!) normally they have a nutritious dinner (Take-away rarely – the new rare is once a week!) and relax time with Mum or Dad (together if you are lucky!!) and maybe dessert sometimes (sometimes!!!– much to my daughter’s disgust! – more on that later!). Then a lovely story or the child might read to themselves if they are keen and a big sloppy kiss and sweet things in their ear (maybe!!) and to sleep!
Last night in our house (single parent household) we got home a bit late because I tutor English and I had a student from 4-5pm and then my daughter (who is 9) and I popped to the shops quickly. I bought chicken and a few other things. Lucky for my daughter – her Dad saw our car parked at the shops and he called her and wanted to give her a cuddle. He was also on his journey to grab a few things – he had a small ice box in the trolley so I suggest maybe a major shop actually!!!!
Anyway, we got home and Emma had her shower and I cooked chicken and added a sweet mustard sauce zero bad things in it (according to the label!). We ate dinner together and then Emma did some home work (not perfect to my analogy at the beginning – but close!!).
Anyway, the reason why I thought of this post, after Emma had finished her homework I said: “By the way there isn’t ice-cream so you might want to have..” I was cut off by a: “Are you serious?!” The night finished off quite quickly, but I couldn’t help whispering sweet nothings in her ear as I tucked her in: “I am proud of your listening and you doing all of your homework my sweet girl…good night” .
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