My parents fight
Kids Helpline is a must for kids who feel lost at home and don’t know what to do. If this is you or you know someone try and get them to call Kids Helpline. It is a free call in Australia and you don’t have to tell them your name. So if you are in your room now and feeling scared and you are meant to be sleeping, but you can’t. When you can – call Kids Helpline.
Calling Kids Helpline is a good start and it will be a private call. Try and tell someone you trust like a friend’s mother, a teacher at school or your dance teacher or soccer coach.
If anyone tells you not to worry about it then please do not listen because something must be done. You may be even old enough to use a public phone – one that is safe: in a shopping centre.
We know you feel scared – but don’t worry – there will be help available. As adults we understand what some kids have to go through at home and it is not safe and it is not right.
Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800
When you first ring you might hear a recording and you will be told the call might be recorded. Don’t worry about this – your call is private – it is only recorded so Kids Helpline can make sure the correct things are being said to kids and teens by the counsellors. Counsellors are just trained, caring people who are there to talk to you and listen and get you some help.
We know you love your parents and don’t want to get them into trouble and you are scared. Just start off talking to someone and this first step will make things seem a lot easier.
It is important you feel safe at home and in your room and when you are sleeping at night. Kids must be in a safe environment and not be scared their Mother or Father or carer will hurt them by words or by hitting them in any way. Parents fighting and using drugs or having people over that scare you – these are all things you can tell Kids Helpline.
Nothing you tell kids Helpline is silly – whatever you have to say is important.
Even if you are just lonely and sad – call 1800 55 1800.
Kids Helpline is Australia’s only free 24/7, confidential and private counselling service specifically for children and young people aged 5 to 25 years.
**If you live in a different country other than Australia. Try and find your police station’s number and ask them for the phone number for a kids helpline.
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