There are a few things that bug us and bite us in bed.
The most gross bed bite is the kind that bites people and takes their blood. These non-flying bugs look gross and I am sure nobody wants them in their bed. A sure sign is bite marks on your skin.
A very hygienic house and pesticides will eradicate bed bugs. Bugs can be found in furniture, carpet and wallpaper, however, they prefer the bed because of the human blood source. So, if this doesn’t make your skin crawl enough to vacuum weekly, keep floor clear, change the sheets weekly, air and vacuum the mattress and replace it every 10 years – then put out a welcome sign personally inviting the bed bugs. Creams are available for the skin after a bed bug attack and there is no other huge risk – it is just not nice to think you share your bed with bugs!
So, the most popular bed bite (because the real bed bugs are not popular) is the thing that annoys you every day and the thing that you keep talking about – the friend who upset you, the partner who disappointed you, the child who constantly didn’t listen to you – so many bed bites!
The plan is bed bites don’t make the bedroom and you get over the issue quickly after it happens. A positive thought is only you control your thoughts and you can’t change anyone and people must learn how to control their anxious thoughts.
rachelc1066 says
I have no idea what this article is trying to say.
Shaz says
Hi there Rachel, thank for your comment – it is helpful to know how my blogs are received. I was initially writing about bed bites – in terms of what annoys people (something that bugs you and you talk about). I then thought I would twist it a bit and talk about the real ‘bed bugs’ that bite! I hope this is a little clearer now! Thanks, Sharyn.