If you are so stressed or you get stressed or you are around stressed people – this stress may be coming from the process known as rumination. Ruminations? What is rumination?
Just being aware of what this term is will help you if you sometimes are found to be ruminating. It is the constant process of re-visiting negative thoughts and ideas which then leave you feeling depressed and unwell.
When you are in this state eating and sleeping well and exercising and socialising are all positive influences. However, the problem is this ruminating state stops you from being pro-active.
As humans, often when we become aware of something it is the first step to success. Just knowing what you are doing isn’t helpful and it isn’t the way it has to be and isn’t what everyone just does. BREAKTHROUGH!!
So, if you feel like you think about negative things too often – make a plan. Plan to walk or another type of physical activity. Don’t turn people down when they ask if you want to catch up AND go to trouble and eat ‘real’ non-processed foods.
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