Shaz Fisher reports: Just like losing weight, breaking a bad habit, a drug addiction, breaking a negative cycle, anxious people can also follow a procedure that will assist them and give them relief and teach them to lead a better life.
The tricky and almost terrible thing about anxiousness is people who have it often don’t realise this and mistake their worries for real ones. Even when people know they are an anxiety sufferer; the condition is such that it doesn’t allow people to have a clear head and it is not until the state is recognised and named that the sufferer can get some relief.
The main thing an anxious person needs to do is BREAK THE CYCLE and prepare for the next bout of anxiousness and every time it happens get better at dealing with it. Like sufferers of other conditions, some people are prone to certain things and others are not. Anxiousness is a state that is hard to break for some people.
Why do some people handle any situation well – whether they have a condition of any sort or worry of any sort? Because this person has been taught or taught themself self-love. This is the only way to beat the anxious rollercoaster state people get in. Self-love will help in any condition people suffer.
“If you knew you were fully loved, if you knew that you were whole and worthy exactly as you are just for being intrinsically you, your anxiety would disappear,” said Counsellor and therapist, Sheryl Paul. For further reading, on anxiety, I highly recommend Sheryl’s website:
There are definitely triggers and sometimes these triggers are places, things, people, in the past or in the future. Try and get help with the triggers. Therapists are helpful, however, if you find your anxious state increasing, find a new therapist.
I am not saying once people have anxiousness under control their life is free of worries; this is not the case. It will just mean they will be able to look at the situation for what it is and not send themself into a state of what-ifs. And of course being anxious if something terrible has happened and before a job interview, for example, is all normal. Being anxious – because of the inability to see clearly – is what this article is trying to make clear and is what I want to help people with.
Inner-bonding is one way to start at the root of the anxious cycle. There is another site I recommend: It is a six-step process and it is about journaling and bringing to the forefront the fear.
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