5 Interesting Ways Fall Asleep Quicker.
After doing some research on falling asleep I came across many different resources and studies.
I noticed that a lot of websites are talking about the same thing. That is why I wanted to do some deeper research and find some uncommon practices to help me fall asleep quicker.
Our friend, who wears sweat shorts to fall asleep, has put together this list of 5 Interesting Ways to Fall Asleep Quicker. Some may sound counter productive, but these 5 ways have helped others fall asleep.
1. Make your bed. A poll by the National Sleep Foundation found that, “People who reported making their bed in the morning were 19 percent more likely to get a good night’s sleep every night.” It makes sense. Being excited to jump into bed gives you a positive outlook on sleep.
2. Get more sun. According to this report getting sun between the hours of 6-8:30am will help you “…regulate your biological clock and keep it on track.” Open your blinds, get out of bed, and start your circadian rhythm.
3. Eat more cherries! Cherries, especially tart cherries, are pack full of Melatonin. Melatonin helps bring on sleepiness by regulating our circadian rhythm.
4. Eat Kiwi Fruit. In this study, adults who ate “2 kiwifruit nightly 1 hour before bedtime for 4 weeks resulted in improved sleep onset, duration, and efficiency in adults with self-reported sleep disturbances.” The scientific reason why is not yet conclusive, but on average all participants slept an hour longer every night.
5. Cold bath or shower. Tim Ferriss experimented with taking a cold bath 1 hour prior to going to bed. This helped jump start the natural sleep cool down process which allows him to fall asleep quicker.
I have not heard of a lot of these techniques. I hope that you can take some of these habits and apply them to your own sleeping routine.
I am not a sleep professional, so if you continue to have sleeping issues, you may want to consult an expert.
marketkreative3 says
Sleeping on time is a big Hussle nowadays. But I think I can manage somehow after going through your article I think so. And also I have gone through https://sleepadvise.com/wondersleep-premium-adjustable-loft-memory-foam-pillow-review/ you know after your article and after that I can get a clear view.
gmshps says
Better believe it, those might offer assistance. In any case, the tips are exceptionally broad. That is to say, they would help over the long haul yet that is it.
sleepy says
To me the key has always been to not have technology 30 minutes before bed. It’s boring and not weird but it works.
Shaz Fisher says
Yes, definitely, I agree! It’s kind of weird in the sense that not many people would follow this great tip!! Thanks for taking the time to comment. Sharyn 🙂
Mark W says
Yeah, those might help. But the tips are very general. I mean, they would help in the long run but that’s it.
Shaz Fisher says
Yes, I agree they are general tips, but what I liked about them is they are positive and achievable and while people are trying new things, they might be open to more new ideas. Thanks for reading and commenting Mark. Shaz
Ana says
I’ve been struggling to get to sleep early. Should be trying these. Thanks for the article, I’ll definitely get back here once I’ve proven that these really work. 🙂
Shaz Fisher says
Hi Ana,
Yes – I would love to hear what works for you and this could help others. 🙂 Shaz.
John says
Cold bath? If anything I’d try a warm bath first – it’s been known for ages to be great for relaxing and helping one go to sleep (sometimes in the bath itself, haha!)
Shaz Fisher says
Yes John – there is nothing like a warm bath and it is a remedy for so many things. I also think we are on a winner when it is something that has been done for centuries! Thanks for your comment. Shaz.